Why I love this swim set:
Swimming is so mental. I love even numbered swim sets because it makes sense in my head. BUT… knowing you are into the 3rd 100m and you only have 2 to go makes you work that little bit harder.
Key Notes:
- 2.5km of work with an easy warm up & cool down
- Building into speed as the set goes on
- A good swim where you get out and you know you worked but it was ‘enjoyable’
Warm up: 300m easy
Main set: 5 x 5 x 100m
Set 1: 5 x 100m at 70% RPE 10 sec rest (3/5 breathing)
Set 2: 5 x 100m Paddles 80% 15 sec rest
Set 3: 5 x 100m 70% 10 sec rest (3/5 breathing)
Set 4: 5 x 100m Paddles 80% 15 sec rest
Set 5: 5 x 100m 50 MAX/50 Easy 20 sec rest
Cool down: 200m easy
RPE = Rate of perceived effort - this is how hard you should be going
3/5 breathing = breath every 3 strokes on the way down and every 5 strokes on the return lap
Pascalles' go-to swim gear: